Nouwen, Henri J. M.,
始於寧謐處 : 默想基督徒生命 / 默想基督徒生命 Colophon title also in English: Out of solitude : three meditations on the Christian life 盧雲著 ; 洪麗婷譯. - 七版. - 81 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm - 靈修著作精選. 盧雲系列 .
Translation of: Out of solitude : three meditations on the Christian life.
Christian life
始於寧謐處 : 默想基督徒生命 / 默想基督徒生命 Colophon title also in English: Out of solitude : three meditations on the Christian life 盧雲著 ; 洪麗婷譯. - 七版. - 81 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm - 靈修著作精選. 盧雲系列 .
Translation of: Out of solitude : three meditations on the Christian life.
Christian life