Rosenberg, Marshall B.,
這樣說話, 你我都是大贏家 : 化解衝突, 創造連結的非暴力溝通法 / Speak peace in a world of conflict 創造連結的非暴力溝通法 馬歇爾.盧森堡著 ; 鄭嘉珷譯. - 初版. - 155 pages ; 21 cm
Translation of: Speak peace in a world of conflict : what you say next will change your world.
Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal relations
這樣說話, 你我都是大贏家 : 化解衝突, 創造連結的非暴力溝通法 / Speak peace in a world of conflict 創造連結的非暴力溝通法 馬歇爾.盧森堡著 ; 鄭嘉珷譯. - 初版. - 155 pages ; 21 cm
Translation of: Speak peace in a world of conflict : what you say next will change your world.
Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal relations