Irvine, Elizabeth,

Social work and human problems casework, consultations, and other topics / [electronic resource] : by Elizabeth Irvine. - 1 online resource (275 p.) - Pergamon international library of science, technology, engineering, and social studies Social work series . - Pergamon international library of science, technology, engineering, and social studies. Social work series. .

Description based upon print version of record. Part V: Miscellany: Adolescence, Prediction and Anxiety. The Contribution of a Great Psycho-analyst to Social Work

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Front Cover; Social Work and Human Problems: Casework, Consultation and Other Topics; Copyright Page; Table of Contents ; Foreword; Introduction; Part I: Aspects of Casework; Chapter 1. Renaissance in British Casework; Chapter 2. The Function and Use of Relationship Between Client and Psychiatric Social Worker; References; Chapter 3. Transference and Reality in the Casework Relationship; Relation Between Psycho-analytic Theory and Psycho-analytic Technique; Transference and Reality in Relationships; Role-playing in Casework; Combination of Role-playing with Insight-promoting Technique Importance of Worker's Feeling Response to ClientFlexibility in Casework: Mutual Adjustment of Client and Worker; Methods of Controlling Development of Transference; Summary; References; Chapter 4. A New Look at Casework; References; Chapter 5. The Right to Intervene; References; Part II: Experiences in Consultation and Mental Health Education; Chapter 6. Two Approaches to Adjustment Problems among Children in Institutions; Chapter 7. The Use of Small Group Discussions in the Teaching of Human Relations and Mental Health; Introduction The Choice of Technique in Relation to Group Structure and FunctionAnxiety and Defence in the Maternity and Child Welfare Setting; Methods Employed in the Group; Reality-testing and Evaluation; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8. Mental Health Education in the Community: The Question of Sanction; Negotiating Sanction; Pilot Group as a Free Sample; Simpler Ways of Negotiating Sanction; Sanction in the Basic Group; Maintenance of Sanction; Conclusion; References; Part III: The Needs of Client Groups with Special Problems; (a) Multi-problem Families (B) The Impact of Parental Psychosis on ChildrenReferences; Chapter 9. The Hard-to-Like Family; References; Chapter 10. (i) Group Work with the Inarticulate by Lorna Walker; Establishing Elementary Social Control; Providing Primary Experience; Revealing the Negative Identity; Developing Skills; General Aim of the Group; Time and Structure; Discussion; The Original Group Two Years Later (October 1967); APPENDIX: Case Histories of Two Members; (1) Brenda; (2) Violet; References; (ii) Helping the Immature to Grow Up; References; Chapter 11. The ""Problem Family"" and Society; References Chapter 12. Psychosis in Parents: Mental Illness as a Problem for the FamilyAcknowledgment; References; Chapter 13. Children at Risk; Need for Preventive Services; When the Parent is Hospitalised; When the Children Stay at Home; Reaching Families under Stress; References; Part IV: Values and Knowledge for Social Work; References; Chapter 14. A Common Base for Social Work: Values and Knowledge; Chapter 15. The Study of Human Growth and Behaviour: Science or Humanity?; References; Chapter 16. Knowledge and Language; References

9781483140865 1483140865

POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Security
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Services & Welfare
Psychiatric social work--History.--Great Britain

Electronic books.

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