Black, Paul.
暗箱內探 : 透過課堂評估提高學習水平 / At head of title: School of Education King's College LONDON Inside the black box : raising standards through classroom assessment At head of title: 教育署課程發展處 透過課堂評估提高學習水平 Paul Black & Dylan Wiliam. - 香港 : 政府印務局, 2002. - 16 p. ; 30 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
Educational tests and measurements--Great Britain.
Students--Rating of--Great Britain.
暗箱內探 : 透過課堂評估提高學習水平 / At head of title: School of Education King's College LONDON Inside the black box : raising standards through classroom assessment At head of title: 教育署課程發展處 透過課堂評估提高學習水平 Paul Black & Dylan Wiliam. - 香港 : 政府印務局, 2002. - 16 p. ; 30 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
Educational tests and measurements--Great Britain.
Students--Rating of--Great Britain.