Hillman, James,
靈魂密碼 : 活出個人天賦, 實現生命藍圖 = The soul's code : in search of character and calling / 活出個人天賦實現生命藍圖 作者: 詹姆斯。希爾曼 (James Hillman) ; 譯者: 薛絢. - 初版. - 397 pages ; 22 cm. - 心靈工坊 = Psygarden. . - 心靈工坊. .
Translation of: The soul's code : in search of character and calling
9863570451 9789863570455
Individuality in children
Fate and fatalism
Gifted persons
靈魂密碼 : 活出個人天賦, 實現生命藍圖 = The soul's code : in search of character and calling / 活出個人天賦實現生命藍圖 作者: 詹姆斯。希爾曼 (James Hillman) ; 譯者: 薛絢. - 初版. - 397 pages ; 22 cm. - 心靈工坊 = Psygarden. . - 心靈工坊. .
Translation of: The soul's code : in search of character and calling
9863570451 9789863570455
Individuality in children
Fate and fatalism
Gifted persons