Feeney, Stephanie.
幼兒教保人員專業倫理 / Stephanie Feeney, Nancy K. Freeman 著 ; 張福松, 王曉華校訂 ; 張福松, 楊靜, 陳福美譯. - 初版. - 台北市 : 五南圖書, 2007. - 2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 22, 3, 145 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Translation of: Ethics and the early childhood educator : using the NAEYC code.
Includes bibliographical references.
9571149845 9789571149844
Early childhood education--Moral and ethical aspects--United States
Early childhood teachers--Professional ethics--United States
Teacher-student relationships--United States
幼兒教保人員專業倫理 / Stephanie Feeney, Nancy K. Freeman 著 ; 張福松, 王曉華校訂 ; 張福松, 楊靜, 陳福美譯. - 初版. - 台北市 : 五南圖書, 2007. - 2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 22, 3, 145 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Translation of: Ethics and the early childhood educator : using the NAEYC code.
Includes bibliographical references.
9571149845 9789571149844
Early childhood education--Moral and ethical aspects--United States
Early childhood teachers--Professional ethics--United States
Teacher-student relationships--United States