Jung, C. G. 1875-1961.
分析心理学的理论与实践 / English title: Analytical psychology, its theory and practice (瑞士)卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格 (C.G. Jung)著 ; 成穷, 王作虹译. - 北京 : 北京联合出版, 2013. - 199 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - 汉库文库 .
Translation of: Analytical psychology, its theory and practice.
In Chinese.
Jungian psychology
Psychoanalysis--Addresses, essays, lectures
分析心理学的理论与实践 / English title: Analytical psychology, its theory and practice (瑞士)卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格 (C.G. Jung)著 ; 成穷, 王作虹译. - 北京 : 北京联合出版, 2013. - 199 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - 汉库文库 .
Translation of: Analytical psychology, its theory and practice.
In Chinese.
Jungian psychology
Psychoanalysis--Addresses, essays, lectures