McLaine, Lachlan.
圖解戶外活動完全指南 /c拉克蘭.麥克林(Lachlan McLaine)著. Expert companions : outdoor skills and tips, a guide for the modern adventurer. Outdoor skills and tips : a guide for the modern adventurer. - 台北市 : 精誠資訊, 2016. - 373 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Outdoor recreation
Wilderness survival
圖解戶外活動完全指南 /c拉克蘭.麥克林(Lachlan McLaine)著. Expert companions : outdoor skills and tips, a guide for the modern adventurer. Outdoor skills and tips : a guide for the modern adventurer. - 台北市 : 精誠資訊, 2016. - 373 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Outdoor recreation
Wilderness survival