與悲傷共渡 : 走出親人遽逝的喪慟 : 自殺, 他殺, 意外事件,心臟病突發, 中風 /
李開敏校閱/主編 ; 許玉來 ... [et al.] ; [Kenneth J. Doka編].
- 台北市 : 心理出版社, 2002.
- 23, 316 p. ; 22 cm.
- 輔導諮商 ; 43 .
Translation of: Living with grief after sudden loss : suicide, homicide, accident, heart attack, stroke.
Bereavement--Psychological aspects
Grief therapy
Loss (Psychology)
Sudden death--Psychological aspects
Translation of: Living with grief after sudden loss : suicide, homicide, accident, heart attack, stroke.
Bereavement--Psychological aspects
Grief therapy
Loss (Psychology)
Sudden death--Psychological aspects