Dow, Kirstin, 1963-

氣候變遷地圖 / Colophon title: 圖解氣候變遷地圖 柯斯汀。陶, 托馬斯。唐寧著 ; 王惟芬譯. - 初版. - 台北市 : 聯經, 2012. - 118 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm.

Translation of: The atlas of climate change : mapping the world's greatest challenge / Kirstin Dow and Thomas E. Downing. 3rd ed., c2011.

Includes bibliographical references.

9570840196 9789570840193

Climatic changes--Environmental aspects
Climatic changes--Environmental aspects--Maps
Climatic changes--Social aspects
Climatic changes--Social aspects--Maps
Climatic changes--International cooperation
Global warming--Maps
Global warming
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