Brearley, Molly.
A guide to reading Piaget / by Molly Brearley and Elizabeth Hitchfield. - New York : Schocken Books, 1967. - xii, 171 p. : ill., ; 21 cm.
First published in London in 1966 under title: A teacher's guide to reading Piaget.
Bibliography: p. 171.
Piaget, Jean, 1896-1980.
Child psychology
A guide to reading Piaget / by Molly Brearley and Elizabeth Hitchfield. - New York : Schocken Books, 1967. - xii, 171 p. : ill., ; 21 cm.
First published in London in 1966 under title: A teacher's guide to reading Piaget.
Bibliography: p. 171.
Piaget, Jean, 1896-1980.
Child psychology