Yong bu yan bai : gei ju sang ji du tu de gu li = Don't quit until you taste the honey : encouragement for stressed-out Christians /
永不言敗 : 給沮喪基督徒的鼓勵 = Don't quit until you taste the honey : encouragement for stressed-out Christians / 愛聞思 = W. Glyn Evans 著 ; 楊國穎譯.
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Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | BV4501.2 .E93 2006 (Browse shelf) | Available | 7004422J |
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BV4501 .C46 2018 耶穌的讀心術 : 路加福音的心理敘事神學 = Revealing hearts and minds: Luke's psychological narrative theology and Jesus' messianic mission / | BV4501 .H8 2017 胡爾摩斯品聖經懸疑 = Sherlock Who's biblical mysteries / | BV4501 .Y36 2018 尷尬的上帝 : 紛亂時代的信仰挑戰 / | BV4501.2 .E93 2006 永不言敗 : | BV4501.2 .F67 1993 屬靈操練禮讚 : | BV4501.2 .H45 1989 A compact guide to the Christian life / | BV4501.2 .K45 2008 Little house on the freeway : |
Translation of: Don't quit until you taste the honey: encouragement for stressed-out Christians.