Hai zi de yi bai zhong yu yan : Yidali Ruijiou fang an jiao xue bao gao shu = The hundred languages of children : narrative of the possible : projects by children of the Municipal Infant-toddler Centers and Preschools of Reggio Emilia /
孩子的一百種語言 : 義大利瑞吉歐方案教學報告書 = The hundred languages of children : narrative of the possible : projects by children of the Municipal Infant-toddler Centers and Preschools of Reggio Emilia / 原著 : Loris Malaguzzi 等人 ; 譯者 : 張軍紅, 陳素月, 葉秀香 ; 審閱, 幸曼玲.
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