Social work and mental health / Kate Karban.

By: Karban, Kate [author.]Material type: TextTextSeries: Social work in theory and practice seriesPublisher: Cambridge,UK : Polity Press, 2011Description: vi, 262 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmContent type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9780745646114; 9780745646107Subject(s): Human services -- Psychological aspects | Social workers -- Mental health | Psychiatric social work | Social work with people with mental disabilitiesLOC classification: HV689 | .K28 2011Summary: Social Work and Mental Health offers a fresh approach to addressing mental health issues, emphasizing the relevance of mental health for all social workers, not just those in specialist mental health settings. The book engages critically with the complexities of contemporary theory, policy and practice, recognizing developments in user and carer involvement and interprofessional working. Key chapters focus on inequality and diversity, drawing attention to the social determinants of health and the important contribution of social work in promoting social perspectives. Practice issues include the mental health of children, young people and families, and older people. Promoting rights, recovery and social justice - and balancing these with considerations of risk - are core themes running through the text. -- from back cover
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 229-248) and index (pages 249-262).

Social Work and Mental Health offers a fresh approach to addressing mental health issues, emphasizing the relevance of mental health for all social workers, not just those in specialist mental health settings. The book engages critically with the complexities of contemporary theory, policy and practice, recognizing developments in user and carer involvement and interprofessional working. Key chapters focus on inequality and diversity, drawing attention to the social determinants of health and the important contribution of social work in promoting social perspectives. Practice issues include the mental health of children, young people and families, and older people. Promoting rights, recovery and social justice - and balancing these with considerations of risk - are core themes running through the text. -- from back cover

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