The reflective practitioner : how professionals think in action / Donald A. Schön.

By: Schön, Donald A [author.]Material type: TextTextPublisher: Abingdon,Oxon : Routledge, 2016Description: x, 374 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmContent type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9781857423198Subject(s): Professions | Thought and thinking | Self-knowledge, Theory ofSummary: The best professtionals, Donald Schönmaintains, know more than they can put into words. To meet challenges of their work, they rely less on formulas learned in practice. This unarticulated, largely unexamined process is the subject of Schön's provocatively original book, an effort to show precisely how "reflection-in-action" works and how this vital creativity might be fostered in future professionals. -- from back cover
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First published 1991 by Ashgate Publishing.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 355-364) and index (pages 365-374).

The best professtionals, Donald Schönmaintains, know more than they can put into words. To meet challenges of their work, they rely less on formulas learned in practice. This unarticulated, largely unexamined process is the subject of Schön's provocatively original book, an effort to show precisely how "reflection-in-action" works and how this vital creativity might be fostered in future professionals. -- from back cover

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