Cognitive behavior therapy in counseling practice / Jonathan J. Sperry and Len Sperry.

By: Sperry, Jonathan J [author.]Contributor(s): Sperry, Len [author.]Material type: TextTextPublisher: New York, NY : Routledge, [2018]Copyright date: ©2018Description: 1 online resource (201 pages)Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781315626284; 1315626284; 9781317234548; 1317234545; 9781317234524; 1317234529; 9781317234531; 1317234537Subject(s): Cognitive therapy | Counseling | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy -- methods | Counseling | HEALTH & FITNESS -- Diseases -- General | MEDICAL -- Clinical Medicine | MEDICAL -- Diseases | MEDICAL -- Evidence-Based Medicine | MEDICAL -- Internal Medicine | Cognitive therapy | Counseling | PSYCHOLOGY / Cognitive Psychology | PSYCHOLOGY / Mental HealthGenre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Cognitive behavior therapy in counseling practice.DDC classification: 616.89/1425 LOC classification: RC489.C63 | S68 2018ebOnline resources: EBSCOhost
The practice and evolution of CBT -- CBT theory and competencies -- Contemporary cognitive behavioural approaches -- Processes -- Cognitive behavioural interventions -- Diversity and CBT practice -- Evaluation -- Pattern-focused therapy in everyday counseling practice.
Summary: "This Cognitive Behavior Therapy text is brief, practical, comprehensive, and tailored just for counselors. Evidence-based CBT techniques are specifically adapted to counseling including core-counseling concepts such as social justice, strengths, wellness, and diversity (e.g., ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender, disability) which are interwoven throughout the book's content. Each chapter includes case vignettes that reflect the work of professional counselors in school, clinical mental health, marital and family, and rehabilitation settings."--Provided by publisher
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