Zen me shuo hua : Yao cheng gong, xian cong zi xin de shuo hua kai shi /
怎麼說話 : 要成功, 先從自信的說話開始 / 唐.蓋伯(Don Gabor) 著 ; 徐靜琦譯.
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Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | BJ2121 .G3312 2004 (Browse shelf) | Available | 7005299W |
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BJ1853 .F67 2013 生命就當這樣美好 : | BJ1873 .X41 2012 洋相 : | BJ2115.T45 B76 2008 101 ways to say thank you : | BJ2121 .G3312 2004 怎麼說話 : 要成功, 先從自信的說話開始 / | BJ2121 .M67 1994 談話的藝術 = | BJ2195 .F47 1978 English telephone conversations / | BL51 .D473 1996 理性時代的宗教觀 / |
Includes bibliographical references and index.