Gong rong ni wo ta : kua yue zi bi zheng, du xie zhang ai, guo du huo yao ji zhuan zhu li bu zu /

共融你我他 : 跨越自閉症、讀寫障礙、過度活躍及專注力不足 / 趙少寧 ...[et al.] 合著 ; 邱吳麗端策畫.

Qiu Wu, Liduan. Zhao, Shaoning. Contributor(s): 邱吳麗端 | 趙少寧Material type: TextTextSeries: Ren jian Jidu jiao "Shuo, shu, hui" xi lie ; 03 = Christianity in the world : roundtable ; series 03 Series: 人間基督教「說。書。會」系列: 03.Publisher: Xianggang : Jidu jiao wen yi chu ban she you xian gong si, 2012. Publisher: 香港 : 基督教文藝出版社有限公司, 2012Edition: Chu ban. Edition: 初版Description: xiv, 139 p. : ill., ports. ; 21 cmISBN: 9789622941366Other title: Kua yue zi bi zheng, du xie zhang ai, guo du huoyao ji zhuan zhu li bu zu Other title: Colophon title also in English: Together, we overcome : our experiences in helping children with autism, dyslexia, attention deficit and hyperactivity | Our experiences in helping children with autism, dyslexia,attention deficit and hyperactivity | 跨越自閉症、讀寫障礙、過度活躍及專注力不足Subject(s): Autism in children -- Care | Dyslexic children -- Care | Attention-deficit-disordered children -- Care | Hyperactive children -- Care
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Print book RJ499.34 T63 2012 (Browse shelf) Available 0004327G
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RJ499 .W3925 2018 Introduction to abnormal child and adolescent psychology / RJ499.3 .K76 2008 兒童臨床工作手冊 / RJ499.34 .P37 2006 The boy who was raised as a dog : RJ499.34 T63 2012 共融你我他 : RJ502.H6 E7 2009 兒童及青少年精神健康手冊 = RJ503 .T15 2005 青少年心理障礙快速診斷手冊 / RJ503 .X41 2001 香港與上海青少年心理健康比較研究 /

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