Nan ren lai zi huo xing, nü ren lai zi jin xing : Jing hua man hua ban /
男人来自火星,女人来自金星 : 精华漫画版 / (美)约翰·格雷(John Gray)著 ; (美)芭芭拉·斯莱特(Barbara Slate)插图 ; 张蕙仪译.
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Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | HQ734 .G71 2011 (Browse shelf) | Available | 0000388J |
Browsing Gratia Christian College Library shelves, Shelving location: Book Shelves, Collection: Print book Close shelf browser
HQ734 .G17 2012 男人來自火星女人來自金星 | HQ734 .G71 1992 Men are from Mars, women are from Venus : | HQ734 .G71 1993 Men are from Mars, women are from Venus : | HQ734 .G71 2011 男人来自火星,女人来自金星 : | HQ734 .G71 2015 男人來自火星女人來自金星 / | HQ734 .K96 2013 我的老公是怪胎! 婚姻生活大進擊 / | HQ734 .L23 2015 Marriages, families, and relationships : making choices in a diverse society / |
Translation of: Truly Mars & Venus : the illustrated essential men are from Mars, women are from Venus
In Chinese.