Suicide / Paul Connors, book editor
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Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | HV6545.S84 2007 (Browse shelf) | Available | 0004497O |
Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-226) and index
Is suicide immoral? Yes: suicide is immoral. Palestinian suicide bombers are immoral / Robert Tracinksi ; Christians believe in the sanctity of life / Christianity Today ; Voluntary stopping of eating and drinking raises moral issues for doctors / Lynn A. Jansen ; No: suicide isnot immoral. Suicide bombers are moral martyrs / Margaret P. Battin ; Individual rights come before religion / Thomas A. Bowden ; Catholic morality allows withholding artificial nutrition and hydration / James F. Drane -- What are the causes of suicide? Attempted suicide can be alucrative economic decision / Charles Duhigg ; Gun availability can lead to suicide / David Hemenway ; Socialstigma surrounding mental illness contributes to suicides among black professionals / Keisha Gaye Anderson ; Suicidecan be a fad among teenagers / Vanessa Grigoriadis ; Suicide by pesticides is common in developing countries / David Gunnell, Michael Eddleston ; Many women suicide bombers are sexual abuse victims / Mia Bloom ; Antidepressants can result in suicide / Angela Bischoff --Should physicians help terminally ill patients commit suicide? Yes: the terminally ill have a right to physician-assisted suicide. All lives do not have equal worth / Eric Cohen, Leon R. Kass ; Phrase "culture of life" is meaningless / Anna Quindlen -- Legality of Oregon's physician-assisted suicide law is a victory for patients and doctors / Mark Taylor ; No: physicians should not helpterminally ill patients commit suicide. Democrats have become the party of euthanasia / Ramesh Ponnuru ; Right-to-die movement supports death on demand / Wesley J. Smith ;Lives of the disabled are worth living / Ron Amundson, Gayle Taira -- How can suicide be prevented? Youth suicideamong Native Americans can be reduced with more federal help / Cynthia Lindquist-Mala ; Suicide is preventable if treated as a public health problem / Christopher Conte ; Classroom discussion can help identify adolescents who aresuicidal / Douglas Fisher -- Suicide rates of sexual minorities need to be fully researched / Ric Kasini Kadour; TeenScreen is an effective teen suicide prevention program / Arline Kaplan ; Collegiate suicide prevention programs may increase the number of suicides / Thomas Szasz.