Hui ku de nan ren hen ke ai = Grief therapy for men /
會哭的男人很可愛 = Grief therapy for men / 利納斯・曼第 (Linus Mundy) 原著 ; R.W. 艾利 (R. W. Alley) 繪圖 ; 林鶯翻譯.
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Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | RC455.4 .M86 1999 (Browse shelf) | Available | 0003278K |
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RC455.4.L67 W6712 2004 悲傷輔導與悲傷治療 : | RC455.4.L67 W6712 2011 悲傷輔導與悲傷治療 : | RC455.4.L67 .W6712 2020 悲傷輔導與悲傷治療 : 心理衛生實務工作者手冊 (第五版) / | RC455.4 .M86 1999 會哭的男人很可愛 = | RC456 .G63 2012 精神病院 : | RC456 .P42 2008 精神科口袋書 : | RC456 .S335 2005 Kaplan & Sadock's pocket handbook of clinical psychiatry / |
Cover title.
Text in Chinese and English.
Translation of: Grief therapy for men.
In Chinese and English.