Sheng ren fu dao : "Shengling de quan jie" shi jian ben = The Christian counselor's manual /
勝任輔導: 《聖靈的勸戒》實踐本= The Christian counselor's manual / 亞當斯 (J. E. Adams)著 ; 周文章, 薛豐旻, 鄭超睿譯.
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Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | BV4012.2 A21 2004 (Browse shelf) | Available | 0003632E |
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BV4011.3 .Z56 2016 新‧網中人 : | BV4011.5 .A7412 2002 基督敎應用倫理學 / | BV4011.5 .Z46 2012 自由中的約束 : | BV4012.2 A21 2004 勝任輔導: | BV4012.2 .B56 1979 The psychological way/the spiritual way / | BV4012.2 .C52812 2000 牧養與輔導 / | BV4012.2 .C57 2013 Christian counseling ethics : |
Translation of: The Christian counselor's manual / by Jay E. Adams ; Grand Rapids, Mich., Baker Book House, c1973.
In Chinese.