Chao yue shen ti de liao yu = Healing beyond the body : medicine and the infinite reach of the mind /
超越身體的療癒 = Healing beyond the body : medicine and the infinite reach of the mind / 作者勞瑞。杜西 (Larry Dossey) ; 譯者吳佳綺 ; 校閱魯宓.
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Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | R726.5 .D67 2008 (Browse shelf) | Available | 0004586N |
Browsing Gratia Christian College Library shelves, Shelving location: Book Shelves, Collection: Print book Close shelf browser
R724 .Z15 2008 倫理師的聲影 = | R726.5 .C447 2018 生命這堂課 : 心理學家臥底醫療現場的26個思索 / | R726.5 .D37 2011 疾病的希望 : | R726.5 .D67 2008 超越身體的療癒 = | R726.5 .M9712 2007 慧眼視心靈 : | R726.5 .S25512 2007 实用医療心理学 : | R726.7 .C87 2002 健康心理學 / |
Translation of: Healing beyond the body : medicine and the infinite reach of the mind.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 340-343)
In Chinese.