Stahl's tu jie kang jing shen bing yao wu : kang jing shen bing yao wu di yi ci jiu shang shou /
Stahl's 圖解抗精神病藥物 : 抗精神病藥物第一次就上手 / Stephen M. Stahl, Laurence Mignon 原著 ; 張鎔麒譯.
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Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | RM333.5 .S71 2014 (Browse shelf) | Available | 0003233B |
Browsing Gratia Christian College Library shelves, Shelving location: Book Shelves, Collection: Print book Close shelf browser
RM316 .W45 2013 藥物讓人上癮 : 酒精、咖啡因、尼古丁、鎮靜劑與毒品如何改變我們的大腦與行為 / | RM324.8 .P6512 2020 改變你的心智 : 用啟靈藥物新科學探索意識運作、 治療上癮及憂鬱、 面對死亡與看見超脫 / | RM332 .K57 2009 The emperor's new drugs : | RM333.5 .S71 2014 Stahl's 圖解抗精神病藥物 : | RM723.C5 G3 2014 拍拍打打除病養生 : | RM735.4 .S15 2008 職能治療實務 : | RM735.7.G37 F35 2014 園藝治療 : |
Translation of: Stahl's illustrated antipsychotics : treating psychosis, mania and depression, 2nd ed.
Includes bibliographical references and index.