Shi jie shi ping de = The world is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first century / Di 1 ban. Zhangsha Shi : Hunan Ke Xue Ji Zhu Chu Ban She, He, Fan. Xiao, Yingying. Hao, Zhengfei.
世界是平的 = The world is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first century / 托马斯 弗里德曼著 ; 何帆, 肖莹莹, 郝正非译.
Material type:
Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | HM846 .F75127 2006 (Browse shelf) | Available | 7000338L |
Translation of: The world is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first century / Thomas L. Friedman. New York : Farrar, straus and Giroux, c2006.