End procrastination now! : get it done with a proven psychological approach / William Knaus.
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Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | BF637.P76 K51 2010 (Browse shelf) | Available | 0001927J |
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BF637.P4 S7 2010 27 powers of persuasion : | BF637.P76 B8712 2017 拖延心理學 : 為什麼我老是愛拖延? 是與生俱來的壞習慣, 還是身不由己? / | BF637.P76 F56 2018 擊敗拖延, 就從當下的三十分鐘開始 : 消除潛在的恐懼與抗拒心理, 輕鬆破解慣性拖延 / | BF637.P76 K51 2010 End procrastination now! : | BF637.P76 K5112 2010 終結拖延症 / | BF637.P76 P37 2012 The art of procrastination : | BF637.P76 P3712 2012 拖拖拉拉, 人生照樣精彩 : |
Includes bibliographical references (p. [189]-198) and index.
Perspectives on procrastination and awareness for change -- Defeat procrastination thinking -- Flex your emotional muscle to overcome procrastination -- How to handle stress-related procrastination -- Act decisively -- Powerful behavioral techniques to curb procrastination -- Applying techniques to address procrastination in the workplace.