Peace in our time? : some biblical groundwork / David Atkinson.
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Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | BS680.P4 A74 1986 (Browse shelf) | Available | 00024208 |
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BS680.F37 P36 2019 從記念神恩到重整現實 : 聖經節期的神學反思 = From remembrance to the reconstruction of reality: a theological reflection of the Biblical festivals / | BS680.J6 K81 1999 從聖經看如何活得更快樂 / | BS680.L4 W7512 2012 關係式領導 : | BS680.P4 A74 1986 Peace in our time? : | BS1140.2 .D5512 2012 21世紀舊約導論 (增訂版) / | BS1171.3 .T7312 2013 壞鬼釋經. 糾正舊約金句的常見詮釋 = Commonly misinterpreted texts II: exegetical fallacies in the Old Testament narratives / 舊約敍事篇 : | BS1171.3 .T7312 2014 壞鬼釋經. 糾正舊約金句的常見詮釋 = Commonly misinterpreted texts III: exegetical fallacies in the Old Testament poetry / 舊約詩歌篇 : |
Bibliography: p. 221.