Linguistics for everyone : an introduction / Kristin Denham, Anne Lobeck.

By: Denham, Kristin E, 1967-Contributor(s): Lobeck, Anne CMaterial type: TextTextCopyright date: ©2013Edition: International EditionDescription: xxv, 545 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmContent type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 1111836604 (paperback : International edition); 9781111836603 (paperback : International edition)Subject(s): Linguistics -- Textbooks
What is language and how do we study it -- The human capacity for language -- Phonetics: describing sounds -- Phonology: the sound patterns of language -- Morphology: words and their parts -- Morphological typology and word formation -- Syntax: heads and phrases -- Syntax: phrase structure and syntactic rules -- Semantics: making meaning with words -- Semantics and pragmatics: making meaning with sentences -- The early story of English -- English goes global -- Representing language: the written word -- The life cycle of language.
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 515-528) and index.

What is language and how do we study it -- The human capacity for language -- Phonetics: describing sounds -- Phonology: the sound patterns of language -- Morphology: words and their parts -- Morphological typology and word formation -- Syntax: heads and phrases -- Syntax: phrase structure and syntactic rules -- Semantics: making meaning with words -- Semantics and pragmatics: making meaning with sentences -- The early story of English -- English goes global -- Representing language: the written word -- The life cycle of language.

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