Aiken xinli celing yu pinggu/
艾肯心理測量與評估 / 劉易斯‧艾肯, 加里‧格羅斯-馬納特著 ; 張厚粲, 趙守盈譯.
Zhang, Houcan. Zhao, Shouying. By: Aiken, Lewis R, 1931-Contributor(s): Groth-Marnat, Gary | 張厚粲 | 趙守盈Material type:
Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due |
Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | BF176 .A55 2011 (Browse shelf) | Available |
Browsing Gratia Christian College Library shelves, Shelving location: Book Shelves, Collection: Print book Close shelf browser
BF175.5 .S4812 2020 圖解自我心理學 : 認識自我,活出人生新高度!心理學家助你突破個性盲點,發掘天生優勢,戰勝生活與職涯難題 / | BF176 .A48 1994 Psychological testing and assessment / | BF176 .A52 2014 心理學家教你的透視術 : | BF176 .A55 2011 艾肯心理測量與評估 / | BF176 .C64 2005 Psychological testing and assessment : | BF176 .C64 2005ex Exercises in psychological testing and assessment / | BF176 .C76 1990 Essentials of psychological testing / |
Translated from the 12th edition of the title.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.