Xin li zi shang zhen yan : gei shi wu gong zuo zhe de 110 ge ti xing /
心理諮商箴言 : 給實務工作者的110個提醒 / 作者: James P. Carnevale ; 譯者: 呂嘉寧, 吳志祥
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Book | Gratia Christian College Library Book Shelves | Print book | BF637.C6 C17 2007 (Browse shelf) | Available | 00014016 |
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BF637.C45 .T264 2018 練習告別玻璃心 / | BF637 .C6 2013 Theory and treatment planning in counseling and psychotherapy / | BF637.C6 B14 2007 The internship, practicum, and field placement handbook : | BF637.C6 C17 2007 心理諮商箴言 : | BF637.C6 C57 2009 Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy / | BF637.C6 C57 2013 Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy / | BF637.C6 C5712 2009 團體諮商 : 理論與實務 / |
Translation of: Counseling gems : thoughts for the practitioner.