內地與香港大學生之個人特點與求職策略 / Job searching strategies and personal attributes among Mainland and Hong Kong college students 研究員王登峰...[等] - 北京 : 北京大學-香港青年協會青少年發展研究中心, 2006. - ix, 55 p. ; 23 cm - 青少年發展比較研究系列 ; Comparative study series on youth development ; 2006年, 第4號 = 2006, serial no. 4 .

Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-51)

With: English summary.

9627299944 9789627299943

College students--Employment--China
College students--Employment--China--Hong Kong
College students--Psychology--China
College students--Psychology--China--Hong Kong