鄭偉, 1958-
來自圍城的家書 : 一位外科醫生和妻子在非洲安哥拉志願工作期間的日記 /
鄭偉, 穆嘉玲 (Karin Moorhouse)著 ; 鄭偉攝影, 插圖 ; 陳鳳潔譯.
- 第1版.
- 香港 : 進一步多媒體, 2005.
- 316 p. : ill. (some col.), map ; 22 cm.
Translation of: No one can stop the rain : a chronicle of two foreign aid workers during the Angolan Civil War / Karin Moorhouse & Wei Cheng. Toronto : Insomniac Press, c2005.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 9628326694 9789628326693
Subjects--Personal Names: Moorhouse, Karin, 1961- 鄭偉, 1958-
Subjects--Corporate Names: Medecins sans frontieres (Association)
Subjects--Topical Terms: Volunteers--Angola--Biography Volunteers--Australia--Biography
Subjects--Geographic Terms: Angola--History--Civil War, 1975-2002--Personal narratives, Australian. Angola--History--Civilian relief.--Civil War, 1975-2002