The peacemaker a biblical guide to resolving personal conflict [electronic resource] / [electronic resource] :
Ken Sande.
- 3rd ed.
- Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Books, c2004.
- 1 online resource (318 p.)
Access via Kindle.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 307-309) and indexes.
Part 1. Glorify God -- Conflict provides opportunities -- Live at peace -- Trust in the Lord and do good -- Part 2. Get the log out of your eye -- Is this really worth fight over? -- Conflict starts in the heart -- Confession brings freedom -- Part 3. Gently restore -- Just between the two of you -- Speak the truth in love -- Take one or two others along -- Part 4. Go and be reconciled -- Forgive as God forgave you -- Look also to the interests of others -- Overcome evil with good.
Text (Electronic book)
Electronic reproduction. Seattle, Washington : System requirement: Kindle e-reader.