Salvia, John,

Assessment in special and inclusive education / John Salvia, James E. Ysseldyke, Sara Witmer. - Thirteenth edition. - xvii, 376 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 351-359) and index.

Assessment in social and educational contexts -- Assessment and decision making in schools -- Laws, ethical codes, and professional standards that impact assessment -- What test scores mean -- Technical requirements -- Cultural and linguistic considerations -- Using test adaptions and accommodations -- Teacher-made tests of achievement -- Assessing behavior through observation -- Monitoring student progress toward instruction goals -- Managing classroom assessment -- Responses to intervention (RTI) and a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) -- How to evaluate a test -- Assessment of academic achievement with multiple-skill devices -- Using diagnostic reading measures -- Using diagnostic mathematics measures -- Using measures of written language -- Using measures of intelligence -- Using measures of social and emotional behavior -- Making instructional decisions -- Making special education eligibility decisions -- -- Making decisions about participation in accountability programs -- Collaborative team decision making.

9781305642355 130564235X 9781305642645 1305642643


Educational tests and measurements--United States
Special education--United States
Remedial teaching--United States