Chen, Mei-whei,

Group leadership skills : interpersonal process in group counseling and therapy / Mei-whei Chen, Christopher Rybak. - Second edition. - xxxvii, 565 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 531-548) and index (pages 549-565).

Chapter 1. Theories and assumptions -- Chapter 2. On becoming a group leader -- Chapter 3. Types of gruops and how to start one from scratch -- Chapter 4. Fundamental skills for group facilitation and inervention -- Chapter 5. The first session and the forming stage -- Chapter 6. Leading structured group sessions -- Chapter 7. Leading semisttuctured groups: working on agenda items -- Chapter 8. Unstructured groups——basic level -- Chapter 9. Working with unspoken tension and open conflict -- Chapter 10. Taking risks in communication -- Chapter 11. Advanced steps into the here-and-now -- Chapter 12. Process illumination -- Chapter 13. Using psychodrama for unresolved pain -- Chapter 14. Skills of termination: completing the cycle -- Chapter 15. Writing as a reflective practice in griup counseling.


Group counseling
Interpersonal communication

BF636.7.G76 / C46 2018