Child psychology and psychiatry : frameworks for clinical training and practice / edited by David Skuse, Helen Bruce, Linda Dowdney. - Third edition. - 1 online resource.

Includes index.

Developing Competencies. Family and Systemic Influences / Barbara Maughan -- Child Development and Cultural Considerations in Clinical Practice / Ruma Bose, Sanjida Sattar -- Neurobehavioural Development in Infancy / Cindy H Liu, Ed Tronick -- Genetic and Biological Influences / David Skuse -- Clinical Evaluation of Development from Birth to 5 Years / Ajay Sharma, Tony O'Sullivan, Gillian Baird -- Emotional Development in the First Year of Life / Howard Steele -- Young People with Learning Disabilities / David Dossetor -- Language Development / Thomas Klee, Stephanie F Stokes -- Development of Social Cognition / Virginia Slaughter -- Social and Emotional Development in Middle Childhood / Alan Carr -- Social-Cognitive Development During Adolescence / Sarah-Jayne Blakemore -- Promoting Well-being. Attachment in the Early Years / Pasco Fearon -- Promoting Infant Mental Health / Christine Puckering -- Promoting Children's Well-Being / Paul Stallard -- Fostering Resilience in Adolescents / Angela Veale -- Sexual Orientation, Sexual Health and Gender Dysphoria / Justin Wakefield -- Child Users of Online and Mobile Technologies - Risks, Harms and Intervention / Peter K Smith, Sonia Livingstone -- The Impact of Trauma, Loss and Maltreatment. Children Bereaved by Parent or Sibling Death / Linda Dowdney -- Stress and Reactions to Stress in Children / David Trickey -- Children's Developing Sense of Moral Agency, and the Disruptions Associated with War Exposure / Cecilia Wainryb -- Child Maltreatment / Danya Glaser -- The Neuroscience and Genetics of Childhood Maltreatment / Eamon McCrory, Vanessa B Puetz, Essi Viding -- Atypical Development in Children and Adolescents. Autism Spectrum Disorder - An Evolving Construct / William Mandy -- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / Antonio Muņoz-Solomando, Anita Thapar -- Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents / Aaron Vallance, Elena Garralda -- Childhood Behavioural Disorders / Graeme Lamb, Ramya Srinivasan -- Depression and Suicidal Behaviour / Julia Gledhill, Matthew Hodes -- Eating Disorders in Adolescence / Dasha Nicholls -- Emerging Personality Disorder / Eileen Vizard -- Literacy Disorders / Valerie Muter, Margaret J Snowling -- Challenges in Child and Adolescent Obsessive Compulsive Disorder / Elaine Chung, Anup Kharod, Isobel Heyman -- Medically Unexplained Symptoms/Functional Symptoms in Children and Adolescents / Eve McAllister, Laura Markham, Anna Coughtrey, Isobel Heyman -- Paediatric Bipolar Disorder / Anthony James -- Early Intervention in Psychosis / Paolo Fusar-Poli, Giulia Spada -- Developmental Language Disorder / Gina Conti-Ramsden, Kevin Durkin -- Substance Misuse in Young People / K A H Mirza, Roshin M Sudesh, Sudeshni Mirza -- Assessment and Approaches to Intervention. New Perspectives on the Classification of Child Psychiatric Disorders / Elena Garralda -- Paediatric Neuropsychological Assessment / Jane Gilmour, Bettina Hohnen -- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Children and Adolescents / Cathy Creswell, Thomas G O'Connor -- Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents / Eilis Kennedy -- Systemic and Family Approaches to Intervention / Philip Messent -- Mentalization / Dickon Bevington -- Parenting Programmes for Conduct Problems / Stephen Scott, Sajid Humayun -- Paediatric Psychopharmacology - Special Considerations / Paramala Santosh, Rakendu Suren -- Paediatric Liaison / Peter Hindley -- Promoting Educational Success / Bettina Hohnen -- Continuities and Discontinuities in Youth Mental Healthcare / Helen Bruce, Linda Dowdney -- The Children and Young People's Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP IAPT) Programme in England / Peter Fonagy, Kathryn Pugh, Anne O'Herlihy.

9781119170235 1119170230 9781119170204 1119170206


Child psychology.
Child psychiatry.
Child psychiatry.
Child psychology.
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / General
PSYCHOLOGY / Developmental / General
PSYCHOLOGY / Developmental / Lifespan Development

Electronic books.

BF721 / .C515 2017eb
