Frankel, Carl.

如何打造社會企業 : 以人為本的新商機, 幸福經濟帶來大收益 = The art of social enterprise : business as if people mattered / 以人為本的新商機, 幸福經濟帶來大收益. 卡爾。弗蘭克爾, 艾倫。布隆伯格著 ; 吳書榆譯. - 初版. - 臺北市 : 時報文化, 2014. - 272 p. ; 21 cm. - NEXT 叢書 ; 211 .

Translation of: The art of social enterprise : business as if people mattered.

Includes bibliographical references.

9571359947 (pbk.) 9789571359946 (pbk.)

Social entrepreneurship
Social responsibility of business