Rea Abada Chiongson.
我們的法律是否支持性別平等? : 以CEDAW為基準的法律檢視手冊 = Do our laws promote gender equality? : a handbook for CEDAW-based legal reviews /
Do our laws promote gender equality? : a handbook for CEDAW-based legal reviews 以CEDAW為基準的法律檢視手冊
[作者 Rea Abada Chiongson ; 編譯財團法人婦女權益促進發展基金會].
- 初版.
- 臺北市 : 財團法人婦女權益促進發展基金會, 2011.
- 107 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
- CEDAW系列叢書 .
Translation of: Do our laws promote gender equality ? : a handbook for CEDAW-based legal reviews
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1980)
Sex discrimination against women--Law and legislation
Sex discrimination against women--Law and legislation--Southeast Asia