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Chuang zao xue xi de se cai : shi jue yi shu yu you jiao ke cheng de tong zheng / 創造學習的色彩 : 視覺藝術與幼教課程的統整 / 作者, Rosemary Althouse, Margaret H. Johnson, Sharon T. Mitchell ; 譯者, 郭妙芳.

Guo, Miaofang, by Althouse, Rosemary | Johnson, Margaret H | Mitchell, Sharon T | 郭妙芳 [translator.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: 台北市 : 光佑文化事業股份有限公司, 2003Other title: Shi jue yi shu yu you jiao ke cheng de tong zheng Other title: 視覺藝術與幼教課程的統整.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LB1139.5.A78 A4812 2003 (1).

Hai zi de yi bai zhong yu yan : Yidali Ruijiou fang an jiao xue bao gao shu = The hundred languages of children : narrative of the possible : projects by children of the Municipal Infant-toddler Centers and Preschools of Reggio Emilia / 孩子的一百種語言 : 義大利瑞吉歐方案教學報告書 = The hundred languages of children : narrative of the possible : projects by children of the Municipal Infant-toddler Centers and Preschools of Reggio Emilia / 原著 : Loris Malaguzzi 等人 ; 譯者 : 張軍紅, 陳素月, 葉秀香 ; 審閱, 幸曼玲.

Zhang, Junhong Chen, Suyue Ye, Xiuxiang Xing, Manling by Malaguzzi, Loris, 1920-1994 [author.] | 張軍紅 [translator.] | 陳素月 [translator.] | 葉秀香 [translator.] | 幸曼玲 [editor.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Adult; Language: Chinese, English Original language: English, Italian Publisher: 臺北縣中和市 : 光佑文化事業股份有限公司, 1998Other title: Yidali Ruijiou fang an jiao xue bao gao shu Other title: Hundred languages of children : narrative of the possible : projects by children of the Municipal Infant-toddler Centers and Preschools of Reggio Emilia | 義大利瑞吉歐方案教學報告書.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LB1139.3.I8 M3512 1998 (1).

Dai hui rui ji ou de jiao yu jing yan : Yi wei yi shu lao shi de you jiao chuang xin zhi lu / 帶回瑞吉歐的教育經驗 : 一位藝術老師的幼教創新之路 / Louise Boyd Cadwell著 ; 薛曉華譯.

by Cadwell, Louise Boyd [author.].

Edition: 第一版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: 中和市 : 光佑文化事業股份有限公司, 2000Other title: Yi wei yi shu lao shi de you jiao chuang xin zhi lu Other title: 一位藝術老師的幼教創新之路.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LB1029.R35 C3312 2000 (1).

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