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Fan she hui ren ge zhe de gao bai : shan yu cao kong ren xin, bo xue ruo dian de tian cai = Confessions of a sociopath : a life spent hiding in plain sight / 反社會人格者的告白 : 善於操控人心, 剝削弱點的天才 = Confessions of a sociopath : a life spent hiding in plain sight / M.E. 湯瑪士 M. E. Thomas著 ; 筆鹿工作室譯.

Bi lu gong zuo shi, by Thomas, M. E [author.] | 筆鹿工作室 [translator.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Adult; Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: 新北市 : 智富出版有限公司, 2015Other title: Shan yu cao kong ren xin, bo xue ruo dian de tian cai Other title: Confessions of a sociopath : a life spent hiding in plain sight | 善於操控人心剝削弱點的天才.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: RC555 .T5612 2015 (1).

Qing xu hei dong : bai tuo ya yi, xiu fu xin ling de chuang shang / 情緒黑洞 : 擺脫壓抑, 修復心靈的創傷 / 城乃石人会著, 李喬智譯.

Cheng nai shi ren hui zhu, Li, Qiaozhi, by 城乃石人会 [author.] | 李喬智 [translator.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: 新北市 : 智富出版有限公司, 2018Other title: Bai tuo ya yi, xiu fu xin ling de chuang shang Other title: 擺脫壓抑, 修復心靈的創傷 .Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BF538 .J68 2018 (1).

Xue qiu su du fa : lei ji za xue zi liao ku, da dao kan shu shi bei su, da kao xiao kao tong tong nan bu dao / 雪球速讀法 : 累積雜學資料庫, 達到看書十倍速, 大考小考通通難不倒 / 宇都出雅巳著 ; 陳朕疆譯.

Utsude, Masami, Chen, Zhenjiang, by 宇都出雅巳 [author.] | 陳朕疆 [translator.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: 新北市新店區 : 智富出版有限公司, 2015Other title: Lei ji za xue zi liao ku, da dao kan shu shi bei su, da kao xiao kao tong tong nan bu dao Other title: 累積雜學資料庫, 達到看書十倍速, 大考小考通通難不倒.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LB1050.54 .U8712 2015 (1).

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