Techniques of play therapy [videorecording] : a clinical demonstration = You xi zhi liao ji shu : lin chuang shi fan / Techniques of play therapy [videorecording] : a clinical demonstration = 遊戲治療技術 : 臨床示範 / with Nancy Boyd Webb ; producer/writer, Kevin Dawkins ; Kevin Dawkins Productions. Liu, Jingnu. Lu, Junhong. Xin li chu ban she (Taipei, Taiwan) by Dawkins, Kevin | 劉靜女 | 呂俊宏 | Webb, Nancy Boyd, 1932- | Guilford Publications, Inc | Kevin Dawkins Productions | 心理出版社(台北, 台灣).
Material type:
Film; Type of visual material: Language: English Subtitle language: Chinese Publisher: Taibei Shi : Xin li chu ban she gu fen you xian gong si [distributor], [2009?] Publisher: 台北市 : 心理出版社股份有限公司 [distributor, 2009?]Other title: You xi zhi liao ji shu : lin chuang shi fan Other title: 遊戲治療技術 : 臨床示範.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: RJ505.P6 T32 2009 (4).