Wo he Li Ao yi qi ma : you qi fu geng you qi nu = Like father, like daughter : life with my father, Lee Ao... triumph, defiance, and heartwarming / 我和李敖一起骂 : 有其父更有其女 = Like father, like daughter : life with my father, Lee Ao ... triumph, defiance, and heartwarming / 李文 (Hedy W. Lee)口述 ; 吉颖新整理. Li, Wen, by 李文, 1964-. Edition: 北京第1版. Material type: Text; Format:
; Nature of contents: ; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Haikou Shi : Hainan chu ban she, 2004. Publisher: 海口市 : 海南出版社, 2004Other title: You qi fu geng you qi nu Other title: Life with my father, Lee Ao ... triumph, defiance, and heartwarming | Like father, like daughter : life with my father, Lee Ao ... triumph, defiance, and heartwarming | 有其父更有其女 .Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PL2946.W455 W6 2004 (1).
Yue xie yue yi : du xie zhang ai li jie yu jie ru = Understanding dyslexia : a guide for teachers and parents / 悅寫閱易 : 讀寫障礙理解與介入 = Understanding dyslexia : a guide for teachers and parents / 編輯委員會李文發, 林偏嫦, 黃瑩瑩 ; 執行編列林小鳳, 黃瑩瑩, 周若琦 ; 撰文黃瑩瑩. Huang, Yingying. Lin, Peichang. Li, Wenfa. Lin, Xiaofeng. Zhou, Ruoqi. by 黃瑩瑩 | 林佩嫦 | 李文發 | 林小鳳 | 周若琦. Edition: 初版.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang ching nian xie hui, 2013. Publisher: 香港 : 香港青年協會, 2013Other title: Du xie zhang ai li jie yu jie ru Other title: Du xie zhang ai li jie yu jie ru | Understanding dyslexia : a guide for teachers and parents | 讀寫障礙理解與介入.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LC4708 .H81 2013 (1).
Xue xiao fu dao : qu shi yu shi wu / 學校輔導 : 趨勢與實務 / 陸方鈺儀, 李文玉清主編. Lu Fang, Yuyi. Wen, Yuqing. by 陸方鈺儀 | 文玉清. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang da xue chu ban she, c2011. Publisher: 香港 : 香港大學出版社, c2011Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LB1027.5 .X83 2011 (1).
Shu wei Maikeluhan / 數位麥克魯漢 / 保羅・李文森著 ; 宋偉航譯. by Levinson, Paul. Edition: 初版.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: [Taibei Shi] : Mao tou ying chu ban she gu fen you xian gong si, 2000. Publisher: [台北市] : 貓頭鷹出版社股份有限公司, 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: P90 .L42312 2000 (1).
Xi ha, you chuang yi de she hui gong zuo / 嘻哈, 有創意的社會工作 / 作者李文烈 ... [et al.] ; 翻譯蔡潘若棠. Youth Outreach (Hong Kong, China) by Newbery, Peter, 1948- | 協青社(香港). Edition: 初版.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: Chinese, English Original language: English Publisher: Xianggang : Xie qing she, 2013. Publisher: 香港 : 協青社, 2013Other title: Social work & Hip hop.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV1441.C62 X4 2013 (1).
Ni zai qing chun xue xie shen me? / 你在青春學些什麼? / 加藤諦三著; 李文靖譯. Jia teng di san, Li, Wenjing, by 加藤諦三 [author.] | 李文靖 [translator.]. Edition: 初版.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Publisher: 台北市 : 林鬱文化事業有限公司, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BF7243.S9 J538 2002 (1).
Qing nian shi ye : xiang gang jing shao nian fa zhan xue hui xue bao chuang kan hao / 靑年視野 : 香港靑少年發展學會學報 創刊號 / 香港靑年少年發展學會學報編輯委員會 莫漢輝(召集人)、何潔雲、李文照、曾樹明. Mo, Hanhui, He, Jieyun, Li, Wenzhao, Ceng, Shuming, Xianggang qing nian shao nian fa zhan xue hui xue bao, by 莫漢輝 [editor.] | 何潔雲 [editor.] | 李文照 [editor.] | 曾樹明 [editor.] | 香港靑年少年發展學會學報 [editor.]. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Publisher: 香港 : 香港少年發展學會, 1995Other title: Xianggang qing nian shao nian fa zhan xue hui xue bao chuang kan hao Other title: 香港靑年少年發展學會學報 創刊號 .Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV1421 .Q256 1995 (2).