Your search returned 7 results.

Jie tou bei dou shi wu shou ce : bian qing jie tou gong zuo li lun ji shi jian / 街頭北斗實務手冊DVD [videorecording]: 邊青街頭工作理論及實踐 = Theory and practice of outreaching social work for juvenile deliquents / 香港社會工作者總工會製作.

Wen, Liwen. Chuk, Wing-hung, Keswick. Chen, Zisheng. Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union. by 溫立文 | 竺永洪 | 陳子陞 | 香港社會工作者總工會.

Edition: DVD version.Material type: Film Film; Type of visual material: videorecording Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang she hui gong zuo zhe zong gong hui, 2010. Publisher: 香港 : 香港社會工作者總工會, 2010Other title: Bian qing jie tou gong zuo li lun ji shi jian Other title: Xianggang wai zhan she hui gong zuo shi lu Other title: Xiang gang wai wai zhan she hui gong zuo zong heng Other title: Zou zai bian yuan shang Other title: Liang dai zhi jian Other title: Wai zhan = Outreaching Other title: 邊青街頭工作理論及實踐 | Theory and practice of outreaching social work for juvenile deliquents | 香港外展社會工作實錄 | 香港外外展社會工作縱橫 | 走在邊緣上 | 兩代之間 | 外展 = Outreaching.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV9213.A5 W35 2010 (1).

Huo dong guan li quan gong lüe / 活動管理全攻略 / [作者溫立文 ... [et al.]].

Wen, Liwen. by 溫立文.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang you le chang xie hui, 2009. Publisher: 香港 : 香港遊樂場協會, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: GT3406.C6 H86 2009 (2).

Huo dong guan li quan gong lue 2.0. shang [electronic resource] / 活動管理全攻略2.0. 上 [electronic resource] / 郭耀民、黃潔虹、溫立文、簡蕙軒、饒奕明著.

Guo, Yaomin, Huang, Jiehong, Wen, Liwen, Jian, Huixuan, Rao, Yiming, by 郭耀民 [author.] | 黃潔虹 [author.] | 溫立文 [author.] | 簡蕙軒 [author.] | 饒奕明 [author.].

Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: 香港 : 博學出版社, 2019Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: (1).

Huo dong guan li quan gong lue 2.0. zhong [electronic resource] / 活動管理全攻略2.0. 中 [electronic resource] / 郭耀民、黃潔虹、溫立文、簡蕙軒、饒奕明著.

Guo, Yaomin, Huang, Jiehong, Wen, Liwen, Jian, Huixuan, Rao, Yiming, by 郭耀民 [author.] | 黃潔虹 [author.] | 溫立文 [author.] | 簡蕙軒 [author.] | 饒奕明 [author.].

Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: 香港 : 博學出版社, 2019Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: (1).

Huo dong guan li quan gong lue 2.0. Xia [electronic resource] / 活動管理全攻略2.0. 下 [electronic resource] / 郭耀民、黃潔虹、溫立文、簡蕙軒、饒奕明著.

Guo, Yaomin, Huang, Jiehong, Wen, Liwen, Jian, Huixuan, Rao, Yiming, by 郭耀民 [author.] | 黃潔虹 [author.] | 溫立文 [author.] | 簡蕙軒 [author.] | 饒奕明 [author.].

Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: 香港 : 博學出版社, 2019Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: (1).

Chuo lu tong tu : fei chang xue tang jing yan hui pian / 輟路同途 : 非常學堂經驗彙篇 / 作者溫立文 ... [et al.].

Wen, Liwen, by 溫立文 [author.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: 香港 : 香港遊樂場協會, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LC146.8.H6 C586 2009 (1).

Huo dong guan li quan gong lue 2.0 / 活動管理全攻略 2.0 / 郭耀民、 黃潔虹、 溫立文、 簡蕙軒、 饒奕明著.

Guo, Yaomin, Huang, Jiehong, Wen, Liwen, Jian, Huixuan, Rao, Yiming, by 郭耀民 [author.] | 黃潔虹 [author.] | 溫立文 [author.] | 簡蕙軒 [author.] | 饒奕明 [author.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: 香港 : 香港遊樂場協會, 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: GT3406.C6 H86 2019 (2).

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