Your search returned 4 results.

Shitifen, Shipibao : dian ying da shi de tong nian 'you', qu shi / 史提芬・史匹堡 : 電影大師的童年「友」、趣事 / 管家琪著.

Guan, Jiaqi, by 管家琪, 1960-.

Edition: 初版. Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Tu po chu ban she, 2004. Publisher: 香港 : 突破出版社, 2004Other title: Shitifen Shipibao : dian ying da shi de tong nian you, qu shi Other title: Dian ying da shi de tong nian you qu shi Other title: Making of a film master : adventure and buddies of young Steven Spielberg | 史提芬史匹堡 : 電影大師的童年友、趣事 | 電影大師的童年友趣事 .Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PN1998.3.S65 G83 2004 (1).

Shouzhong Zhichong : hua chu shao nian meng / 手塚治虫 : 畫出少年夢 / 管家琪著.

Guan, Jiaqi, by 管家琪, 1960-.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Tu po chu ban she, 2004. Publisher: 香港 : 突破出版社, 2004Other title: Hua chu shao nian meng Other title: Tezuka Osamushi : I dream therefore I draw | 畫出少年夢 | I dream therefore I draw.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PL2717.U323 G81 2004 (1).

Zai zuo yi ci xiao xiao hai : xian gei fu mu de yu yan gu shi / 再做一次小小孩 : 獻給父母的寓言故事 / Aline D. Wolf著 ; 韓文瑞譯 ; 管家琪改寫.

Guan Jiaqi, by Wolf, Aline D | 管家琪, 1960-.

Edition: 第二版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Fiction ; Audience: Adult; Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: Taibei Shi : ji you wen hua chu ban she, 1996. Publisher: 台北市 : 及幼文化出版社, 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LB775.M8 W6512 1996 (1).

Liang an san di xiao peng you zuo wen jing xuan / Kuai le xue xi cong shu ; 兩岸三地小朋友作文精選 / 管家琪, 羅樹範編選.

Guan, Jiaqi, Luo, Shufan by 管家琪, 1960- | 羅樹範.

Edition: 第1版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Pre-adolescent; Publisher: Taibei Shi : Guo yu ri bao she, 2006. Publisher: 臺北市 : 國語日報社, 2006Availability: No items available : Lost (1).

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