Wo he Hali Bote de zhen shi gu shi / 我和哈利。波特de真实故事 / J.K. 罗琳, 林赛。弗雷泽著 ; 蔡文译. Cai, Wen. by Fraser, Lindsey | Rowling, J. K | 蔡文. Edition: 第1版. Material type: Text; Format:
; Nature of contents: ; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: Chinese Original language: eng Publisher: Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 2003. Publisher: 北京 : 人民文学出版社, 2003Other title: Wo he Hali Bote de zhen shi gu shi Other title: 我和哈利波特的真实故事 .Availability: No items available : Withdrawn (1).
Lao nian she hui xue / 老年社會學 / 蔡文輝著. Cai, Wenhui. by 蔡文輝. Edition: 2版.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Taibei Shi : Wu nan tu shu chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2008. Publisher: 臺北市 : 五南圖書出版股份有限公司, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HQ1061 .C14 2008 (1).
Hun yin yu jia ting : jia ting she hui xue / 婚姻與家庭 : 家庭社會學 / 蔡文輝著. Cai, Wenhui. by 蔡文輝. Edition: 第5版.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Taibei Shi : Wu nan to shu, 2012. Publisher: 臺北市 : 五南圖書, 2012Other title: Jia ting she hui xue Other title: 家庭社會學.Availability: No items available : Checked out (1).