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Jin ni de xin zhi ai shen : Jidu jiao shi jie guan chu tang / 盡你的心智愛神 : 基督教世界觀初探 / 關啟文,張穎珊, 吳永康編.

Guan, Qiwen. Zhang, Yingshan. Wu, Yongkang. by 關啟文 | 張穎珊 | 吳永康.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Tian dao shu lou you xian gong si, 2011. Publisher: 香港 : 天道書樓有限公司, 2011Other title: Jidu jiao shi jie guan chu tang Other title: Love God with all your mind | 基督教世界觀初探.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BV4509.C5 L68 2011 (1).

Hun yin yu gong zhong li yi : shi da yuan ze / 婚姻與公眾利益 : 十大原則 / [作者]威特斯潘專業學院 ; [譯者卜妍娉, 關啟文].

B, Yanpin. Guan, Qiwen. by 卜妍娉 | 關啟文 | Witherspoon Institute.

Edition: 第3版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: Xianggang : Weihu jia ting ji jin you xian gong si, 2010. Publisher: 香港 : 維護家庭基金有限公司, 2010Other title: Marriage and the public good : ten principles.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HQ734 .M37 2010 (1).

Ping quan? ba quan? : shen shi tong xing lian yi ti / 平權?霸權? : 審視同性戀議題 / 關啟文, 戴耀廷, 康貴華等著.

Guan, Qiwen, Dai, Yaoting, Kang, Guihua, by 關啟文 [author.] | 戴耀廷 [author.] | 康貴華 [author.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: 香港 : 天地圖書有限公司, 2005Other title: Shen shi tong xing lian yi ti Other title: 審視同性戀議題.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HQ76.3.H6 P55 2005 (1).

Tong xing yu bian xing : ping jia tong xing lian yun dong he bian xing ren hun yin = Comment on LGBT movement / 同性與變性 : 評價同性戀運動和變性人婚姻 = Comment on LGBT movement / 作者關啟文.

Guan, Qiwen, by 關啟文 [author. ].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: 香港 : 宣道出版社, 2015Other title: Ping jia tong xing lian yun dong he bian xing ren hun yin Other title: 評價同性戀運動和變性人婚姻.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HQ76.5 .G83 2015 (1).

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