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Qian : 8 wei zhi ti shang can ren shi zhao gu zhe yong sheng ming shuo gu shi / 牽 : 8位肢體傷殘人士照顧者用生命說故事 / 內容統籌胡麗敏 ... [et al.].

Hu, Limin. Hong Kong PHAB Association. by Wu, Pepper | 胡麗敏 | 香港傷健協會.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang shang jian xie hui, c2012. Publisher: 香港 : 香港傷健協會, 2012Other title: 8 wei zhi ti shang can ren shi zhao gu zhe yong sheng ming shuo gu shi Other title: 8位肢體傷殘人士照顧者用生命說故事. | Togetherness : stories of 8 care-givers of people with physical disability..Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV3024.H6 Q41 2012 (1).

Xun : jiu wei "shang can xin xian ren" zhong xun sheng ming yi yi de gu shi / 尋 : 九位「傷殘新鮮人」重尋生命意義的故事 / 香港傷健協會著 ; [採訪及撰文譚兆文 ; 編著朱定洲 ... [et al.]].

Tan, Zhaowen. Zhu, Dingzhou. Hong Kong PHAB Association. by 譚兆文 | 朱定洲 | 香港傷健協會.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Hong chu ban (Qing sen wen hua), 2014. Publisher: 香港 : 紅出版(青森文化), 2014Other title: Xun jiu wei shang can xin xian ren chong xun sheng ming yi yi de gu shi Other title: 尋九位傷殘新鮮人重尋生命意義的故事.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV1559.C6 T15 2014 (1).

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