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Xianggangzai jie fang fu li hui she hui fu wu zhong xin jia ju zhao gu fu wu zhi fu wu zhi su : cheng xiao yan jiu zhong qi bao gao / 香港仔街坊福利會社會服務中心家居照顧服務之服務質素 : 成效硏究中期報告 / 作者顔文雄, 張宙橋 = Service qualityof the home care service of the Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre : interim report of effectiveness research / authors: Man-hung Ngan, Raymond, Chau-kiu Cheung, Jacky.

Yan, Wenxiong. by 顔文雄 | Cheung, Chau-kiu | Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggangzai jie fang fu li hui shehui fu wu zhong xin, 2002. Publisher: 香港 : 香港仔街坊福利會社會服務中心, 2002Other title: Service quality of the home care service of the Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre : interim report of effectiveness research .Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HV1484.H6 Y445 2002 (1).

Validation of measurement for the outcome of social capital : the caring index / [author, Florence Cheng Kit-ching ; editors, Alfred Chan Cheung-ming, Lai Chi-tong].

by Cheng, Florence Kit-ching | Chan, Alfred C. M | Lai, Chi-tong | Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre | Lingnan University (Hong Kong, China). Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English, chi Publisher: [Hong Kong] : Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre : Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University, c2009Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HN755.C6 C494 2009 (1).

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