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Yi nian li : liao yu zi wo de xin li an shi fa ze / 意念力 : 療愈自我的心理暗示法則 / 埃米爾。庫埃著 ; 徐志晶譯.

Xu, Zhijing. by Coue, Emile, 1857-1926 | 徐志晶.

Edition: 第1版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Adult; Language: Chinese Original language: French Publisher: Beijing : Guang ming ri bao chu ban she, 2012. Publisher: 北京 : 光明日報出版社, 2012Other title: Liao yu zi wo de xin li an shi fa ze Other title: Secret of mind : the power of suggestion | Suggestion and auto-suggestion | Power of suggestion | 療愈自我的心理暗示法則.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BF1156.S8 A74 2012 (1).

Nao nei xin ji : cong cui mian、 an wei ji he xu jia ji yi jie kai da nao zi wo an shi de bi mi / 腦內心機 : 從催眠、安慰劑和虛假記憶揭開大腦自我暗示的祕密 / 艾瑞克‧文斯 (Erik Vance) 著 ; 賈可笛譯.

Jia, Kedi, by Vance, Erik [author.] | 賈可笛 [translator.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: braille Publisher: 台北市 : 大石國際文化有限公司, 2018Other title: Cong cui mian、 an wei ji he xu jia ji yi jie kai da nao zi wo an shi de bi mi Other title: 從催眠、安慰劑和虛假記憶揭開大腦自我暗示的祕密.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BF1156.S8 V36 2018 (2).

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