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Gong gong xin yang de quan qiu mian xiang : zheng zhi, ren quan yu Jidu jiao lun li / 公共信仰的全球面相 : 政治、人權與基督教倫理/ 霍倫巴赫著 ; 方永譯 = The global face of public faith :politics, human rights, and Christian ethics / David Hollenbach, S.J.

Fang, Yong. by Hollenbach, David, 1942- | 方永.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: 香港 : 道風書社, 2013Copyright date: ©2013Other title: Zheng zhi, ren quan yu Jidu jiao lun li Other title: Zheng zhi, ren quan yu Jidu jiao lun li Other title: 政治, 人權與基督教倫理 | 政治、人權與基督教倫理.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BJ1249 .H65 2013 (1).

Jidu jiao xin yang yu gong gong xuan ze : Bate,Bulunna yu Penghuofeier de she hui lun li / 基督教信仰與公共選擇 : 巴特、布倫納與朋霍費爾的社會倫理 / 洛溫著 ; 林曼紅譯 = Christian faith and public choices : the social ethics of Barth, Brunner and Bonhoeffer / Robin W. Lovin.

Lin, Manhong (Translator), by Lovin, Robin W [author.] | Lovin, Robin W. Christian faith and public choices | 林曼紅 (Translator) [translator.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: 香港 : 道風書社, 2014Other title: Bate Bulunna yu Penghuofeier de she hui lun li Other title: 巴特布倫納與朋霍費爾的社會倫理 | Christian faith and public choices : the social ethics of Barth, Brunner and Bonhoeffer.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BJ1231 .L68 2014 (1).

Zheng zhi yu gong gong : zhong xi shen xue dui tan / 政治與公共 : 中西神學對談 / 韋爾克, 林子淳編 ; 盧冠霖, 楊杏文譯.

Lin, Zichun, Lu, Guanlin, Yang, Xingwen, by Welker, Michael, 1947- [editor.] | 林子淳 [editor.] | 盧冠霖 [translator.] | 楊杏文 [translator.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: Xianggang : Dao feng shu she, 2014. Copyright date: ©2014Other title: Other title: Political & public : western and Chinese theological discourse | 中西神學對談.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BT83.63 .W35 2014 (1).

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